Our Services
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Our Services


Asking for help is not easy. Counseling is effective because it offers you the opportunity to talk directly with a skilled professional who can be objective and supportive. Working together with your counselor, you’ll establish goals and a general timeline for your progress. You will have access to a variety of individualized treatment options tailored to your unique needs. You’ll find a diverse menu of care options to assist with your needs.

Educational Consultation

The world is complex and rapidly changing. Children's lives reflect that complexity. Education must keep pace. Educational experiences inspire a child to develop a passion for learning. These experiences enliven new thinking skills and lay lifetime foundations for happiness, success, engagement with life, leadership and world citizenship. Moral growth and character development are essential to a child's education. Parents are demanding far more from schools. Parents also ask for guidance as they seek to optimize and safeguard their student's personal growth, personal mastery and talent development. We will help bring calm and order to this complex process.

Behavioral Management

Every individual deserves to be treated with compassion, understanding, and the right to keep their dignity intact. This can be difficult to honor at times when someone loses control of their behavior. Professional training is vital to helping staff organize their thinking about problematic behaviors, and to developing proactive skills that focus on prevention and respect. The behavioral management strategies presented by Introspective Consultation center on preventing behaviors from occurring and on equipping staff with skills to empower individuals to manage their own behavior. Staff learn how to address disruptive behavior safely and effectively, increasing the likelihood that individuals will choose more positive behaviors.

Grief and Loss Therapy

The death of someone you love is one of the greatest sorrows that can occur. Feelings of bereavement can also accompany other losses, such as the decline of one's health or the health of a close other, or the end of an important relationship. Grief is a normal, healthy response to loss. People's responses to grief will vary depending upon the circumstances of the death. Grief is painful and exhausting. Therefore, it sometimes seems easier to avoid confronting these feelings. But working through sorrow and allowing oneself to express such feelings can help a bereaved person to recover. We can help someone who is experiencing normal grief to work through the process by, for example: identifying the emotions connected to the loss, helping the bereaved become able to live independently, and illuminating the bereaved person's ways of coping with the loss.

Group Therapy

Joining a group of strangers may sound intimidating at first, but group therapy provides benefits that individual therapy may not. Groups can act as a support network and a sounding board. Other members of the group often help you come up with specific ideas for improving a difficult situation or life challenge, and hold you accountable along the way. Regularly talking and listening to others also helps you put your own problems in perspective. Many people experience mental health difficulties, but few speak openly about them to people they don't know well. Oftentimes, you may feel like you are the only one struggling, but you're not. It can be a relief to hear others discuss what they're going through, and realize you're not alone.

EAP Counseling

An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a voluntary, work-based program that offers free and confidential assessments, short-term counseling, referrals, and follow-up services to employees who have personal and/or work-related problems. Our EAP addresses a broad and complex body of issues affecting mental and emotional well-being, such as alcohol and other substance abuse, stress, grief, family problems, and psychological disorders. Our EAP counselors also work in a consultative role with managers and supervisors to address employee and organizational challenges and needs. We are active in helping organizations prevent and cope with workplace violence, trauma, and other emergency response situations.

Marriage & Family Dynamics Training

Marriage and Family Dynamics Training addresses the behaviors of all family members and the way these behaviors affect not only individual family members, but also relationships between family members and the family unit as a whole. As such, treatment is usually divided between time spent on individual therapy and time spent on couple therapy, family therapy, or both, if necessary. The range of problems treated by our training include marital and couple conflict, parent and child conflict, alcohol and drug abuse, sexual dysfunction, children’s behavior problems, and domestic violence. Our counselors observe how people behave within the family, and identify relationship problems. We come up with treatment plans so that each individual has his or her needs met and the family unit can work for the benefit and happiness of all.

Organizational Management

Behind every successful organization is a solid strategy that has paved the way for its achievements. This road map to success is composed of analysis, meetings, objectives, and sometimes years of planning. However, strategic organizational management is the driving force behind why some companies are able to achieve much higher levels of success. The steps and framework of an organizational management strategy varies from business to business, but the idea behind it remains the same. Our professionals will assist in equipping organizations with the skills to plan, manage, and lead different groups of individuals.

Motivational Speaking

Get inspired! Our motivational speakers engage the audience on an emotional and intellectual level, teaching them to see the world in a new way. One speech can rebuild a worn out work team, empower youth, spark change in your community, or bring people together for your cause. We think big when it comes to using the power of a story to engage people’s hearts and minds.

Therapetic Programming

Veterans Programming

Homeless Program

Diversion Program

Counselor/Case Manager

Transportation Services

Medical/Dental Services

Technology Services